How to use bio-identical progesterone cream
All Women
Progesterone cream should be applied to the supple, thin skin areas of the body, i.e., Face, Neck, Hands, Vaginal tissue, & Feet. Inner ankles & wrists are good spots. You may rotate where you apply your cream, however, if there are no fat cells at the area of application, then all of the progesterone will be delivered into circulation.
Note: It is necessary to observe the “time-out” so that progesterone receptor sites stay sensitive & functional.
Apply 1/8th teaspoon cream to freshly bathed skin, approximately every 12 hours according to your menstrual status:
MENSTRUATING WOMEN (puberty to menopause)
The day your period begins is counted as Day 1 of your menstrual month.
Only apply progesterone cream days 14-28, of your menstrual month (the natural progesterone phase of your cycle)
Apply 1/8th teaspoon cream approximately every 12 hours to different areas of “freshly bathed” skin.
- If your period begins again before Day 28, stop using the cream and count that day as Day 1 of your next monthly cycle.
- If your period begins before day 28, stop using the cream and count that day as Day 1.
The optimal time to start using your cream, is the evening of the day of ovulation, normally day 14 of a 28 day cycle. (this principle also applies to monthly cycles more or less than 28 days)
Your goal is to achieve a normal 28 day cycle
If you are struggling with severe symptoms that are the result of too much estrogen, you can use double the suggested use for 1-3 cycles.
PERI-MENOPAUSE (age 40ish to 50)
One of the symptoms of “peri-menopause” is highly irregular cycles. Consequently, it is difficult to know when the “progesterone phase” of your month occurs (this is the time to apply progesterone cream).
It is important to note this is caused by a hormone imbalance, too much estrogen, relative to insufficient progesterone.
This is not a “normal” consequence of aging!
To regain a normal 28 day cycle, Apply 1/8th teaspoon to freshly bathed skin every 12 hours, any 14 consecutive days; observe a 14 day time-out! Whenever your period starts, stop use of the cream and count that as day 1.
Meticulously, avoid all EDC’s (review EDC’s videos), while successfully managing stress.
If you experience a hot flash, apply a small amount of cream to your inner wrists.
If you are struggling with severe symptoms that are the result of too much estrogen, you can use double the suggested use for 1-3 months.
MENOPAUSE (age 50+ or hysterectomy)
Apply 1/8th teaspoon to freshly bathed skin every 12 hours, days 25-26 consecutive days each month. If you experience a hot flash, apply cream to your inner wrist (review EDC’s videos)
Discontinue for 5-6 days.
Progesterone cream cannot restart your menstrual cycle, as menopause is marked by the release of your last egg
If you are struggling with severe symptoms that are the result of too much estrogen, you can use double the suggested use for 1-3 months.
Apply 1/8th teaspoon cream approximately every 12 hours according to the Pre-Menopause directions above.
If you get pregnant, continue to use an increasing amount of progesterone cream through week 18 of pregnancy. For the next two weeks, taper off use of your cream. At that time the placenta should assume production of progesterone. If you feel that the placenta has not assumed production, you may continue to use your cream full-term.
Gradually & uniformly increase from 1/8th teaspoon twice daily to 1/2 teaspoon twice daily during week 18 or longer, if needed.
Progesterone is the pro-gestational hormone and necessary for conception, full-term pregnancy.
British gynecologist, Dr Katharina Dalton, summarized in her extensive 1968 research that the babies of mothers who had supplemented with natural progesterone during their pregnancies tended to have improved mental and physical attributes than those of mothers who did not.
*Important Note:
This suggested increase in the amount of progesterone only applies to women who are pregnant, not women who are excessively estrogen dominant/progesterone deficient.
The use of topical progesterone in all women stimulates osteoblast cell activity, which results in new bone tissue growth.
Most osteoporosis sufferers will be menopausal and should use 1/8th teaspoon mornings and 1/8th teaspoon at bedtime for 25-26 days of the month and then discontinue for 5-6 days.
In the U.S., bone loss begins, on average, at age 37.
Avoid fluoride & maintain optimal levels of key minerals, especially calcium & vitamin K2…
When first using bio-identical progesterone cream, some women, who are estrogen dominant, may temporarily experience an increase in the symptoms caused by too much estrogen.
This is not an adverse reaction to your master hormone, progesterone.
When your body has excess estrogen, it will protect itself by desensitizing estrogen receptors. When you bring back the highly beneficial, balancing properties of progesterone, your body will “wake up” these dormant estrogen receptors allowing the existing estrogens to plugin. This may result in a temporary increase in the symptoms of too much estrogen.
Temporarily reduce your dose to a level where you experience either, no symptoms, or symptoms that are manageable.
As you continue to increase your dose back to the normal physiological amount of progesterone (few days – few weeks), this imbalance of too much estrogen, relative to insufficient progesterone, will ameliorate, and will do so more quickly when you identify and avoid EDC’s (watch the whiteboard animation video on this page) and successfully manage stress.
Too much estrogen in women has been shown to be responsible for:
- Acceleration of the aging process
- Allergies, including asthma, hives, rashes, sinus congestion
- Autoimmune disorders, e.g. lupus erythematosis, thyroiditis, & possibly Sjoegren’s disease
- Breast cancer
- Breast tenderness
- Cervical dysplasia
- Cold hands and feet as a symptom of thyroid dysfunction
- Copper excess
- Decreased sex drive
- Depression with anxiety or agitation
- Dry eyes
- Early onset of menstruation
- Endometrial (uterine) cancer
- Fat gain, especially around the abdomen, hips and thighs
- Fatigue
- Fibrocystic breasts
- Foggy thinking
- Gallbladder disease
- Hair Loss
- Headaches
- Hypoglycemia
- Increased blood clotting (increasing risk of strokes)
- Infertility
- Irregular menstrual periods
- Irritability
- Insomnia
- Magnesium deficiency
- Memory loss
- Mood swings
- Osteoporosis
- Polycystic ovaries (PCOS)
- Premenopausal bone loss
- Prostate cancer (men)
- Sluggish metabolism
- Thyroid dysfunction mimicking hypothyroidism
- Uterine cancer
- Uterine fibroids
- Water retention, bloating
- Zinc deficiency